Book Fair Purchasing

Hi Parents,

Our class took a 30 minute preview today of our book fair that is happening at school right now. The students will be coming home with a pink wish list. Please consider buying a book or two from the fair as it does help us raise money for books in the classrooms.

Our shopping date is Wednesday, November 4 at 11:00 am. I will not allow the kids to miss classroom learning time on another day to go shopping, but will send them during their recess on Wednesday or Thursday if they miss during our scheduled time. The book fair closes Friday, so please be aware the students will not be able to shop that day. If for some reason your child is absent on Wednesday and Thursday we can make accommodations.

Finally, the book fair is open during conferences in the evening this week. You are more than welcome to shop then with your son(s) or daughter(s) instead of sending them to school with money.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


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