Electronics Day!

Yes, you read that correctly parents. We are having an Electronics Day on Friday, March 3 because the students have earned a total of 20 Outstanding Awards for the school year!

The students will be given a chunk of time on Friday to unwind from the grind of schoolwork by playing on an electronic devise with their classmates. The students can also play an indoor recess game or bring a board game from home to play if they wish.

The students can bring one device with them to school. If your child doesn’t have a device to bring, or would rather not bring one, our computers will be available for them to use if they wish. Students are allowed to bring devices similar to the following after discussing it over with you:

  • iPod
  • iPad or other tablet
  • hand-held gaming device like a Nintendo DS
  • phone

I am comfortable with students bringing these devices in only after they understand the risk of bringing such a device. Things can break, get lost, or even taken unfortunately. This would be a great time to discuss freedoms with your child and the great responsibility that comes with these freedoms.

Note: I have the ability to lock the devices in cupboard during the school day to keep them safe until it’s time to play and go home.

We have talked as a class on how social media, Youtube, texting, calling, and other forms of outside communication will not be allowed during this time. Our goal is to have fun playing games and doing it alongside one another. This should be a fun, game-filled time for the class.

Please let me know if you have any further questions. I am looking forward to celebrating all the great work they are doing!

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